Divorce Doesn’t Have to Be A Horror

Mr. Goldstein is a litigator with over two decades of practice litigating cases before various Courts including Adoption, Divorce, Custody and Property Settlement matters.  Sadly, in a divorce, the individual who was once your best friend often becomes your worst enemy.  When compelled into this difficult and trying situation, you need representation that is protective, moral, firm and aggressive on your behalf.   Mr. Goldstein has found that the best divorce results often come from the party that is detailed and calm.  We provide the support that makes you capable of rising above the emotional infighting that scars most divorce and custody battles.  In most high conflict divorces, the Courts learn which individual is the cause of most of the discord.  The individual who demonstrates that they are the better parent, who is more reasonable and logical in responses, is more often than not the victor.

Mr. Goldstein does not believe in needless battles which obfuscate and extend the divorce process.  We do not exist to have the client pouring attorney’s fees into what appears to be an endless and unfair, not to mention expensive litigation process where what the previous union constructed, the divorce erases.   We create communication and discourse to determine what can be resolved, narrowing the issues of conflict and streamlining the process.  When this isn’t possible, we will fight for you.

You will be treated like an intelligent and adult decision-maker and the law and potential outcomes will be explained to you in as much detail as you need to be comfortable with making those difficult decisions and compromises that divorce requires.

If you want protective and aggressive representation making the best use of resources, contact Mr. Goldstein.